ALIA Sustainable Development Goals Summit 2018 – Gold Coast

On Sunday 29 July 2018, representatives from libraries, government, education and civil societies in Australia and across the Asia-Pacific, will gather on the Gold Coast to compare strategies for incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals in their work.

The Summit will be a combination of presentations and interactive workshops designed to ensure that Summit attendees depart with a clear understanding of how the SDGs can be embedded in their own organisation. They will gain a national and international library perspective on the SDGs; be better informed about ways of progressing this agenda, and be equipped with the information they need to spread their message in their own communities and through professional networks.

Speakers include :

  • Christopher Woodthorpe, Director of the United Nations Information Centre
  • Margaret Allen, CEO and State Librarian at the State Library of Western Australia
  • Sue McKerracher, CEO of the Australian Library and Information Association
  • Opeta Alefaio, Director, National Archives of Fiji