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About Blue Shield Australia

Blue Shield is an international organisation, working to protect the world’s cultural heritage threatened by armed conflict and natural disasters.  Blue Shield Australia (BSA) is one of the national committees of the international Blue Shield.

In 2024 Blue Shield Australia will continue to link the community to useful resources in times of natural disasters and focus on the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR), promoting disaster planning and awareness amongst archives, libraries, museums, galleries, heritage places, historical societies, local history groups and other cultural heritage organisations during the month of October. 

BSA encourages our members and friends to acknowledge International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13 October as a useful time to get ready for the next Australian natural disaster season.  #DRRday  https://iddrr.undrr.org/


Please join us for the 2024 IDDRR event

Launch of the AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar and a discussion around the question:

When faced with recovering cultural material following a major disaster event Should we save everything?  Can we save everything?”

Monday 14 October 2024, 2pm-3pm (AEDT), via Zoom


BSA encourages Australian GLAM institutions and Heritage Places and Historical Societies to review their disaster preparedness plans and resources.