Burning Country: Aboriginal fire practice in Caring for Country

Wednesday 13 October 2021, noon Sydney time
Duration: 75-90 minutes

In light of the massive bushfires that we have experienced over recent years both here in Australia and globally, it seems appropriate that we consider the role of burning in caring for, managing, nurturing and sustaining country to maintain its health and resilience, and its capacity to resist and recover from wildfires brought about by climate change and poor land management.

Indigenous fire practice is a key aspect of caring for country and very important to maintaining cultural connections to place. In the face of climate change and other threats, caring for country practices, including fire practice, contain answers to the healing damaged landscapes and addressing climate change. Through community engagement and empowerment, burning country can also provide Aboriginal communities with economic opportunities.

NAILSMA is a major landowner in the Northern Territory of Australia, where burning of savannah country is used to generate carbon credits and provide economic benefits to the community. Ricky Archer will discuss how, while the application of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) provides solutions and opportunities, barriers remain. In 2020, NAILSMA partnered with the CSIRO in the publication of the Our Knowledge our Way Guidelines for meaningful and respectful engagement between non-Indigenous researchers and Indigenous communities involved in research projects.

Victor Steffensen, author of the book Fire Country, will describe his experience of learning about fire from elders on his country in northern Queensland, the importance of understanding and ‘reading’ the country, the importance of passing knowledge on to communities, the importance of implementing knowledge via action, and the benefits to the community of participating in that action.

Please register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2-4e2KuZQcCpLIpZv87GAg

Launch: AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar

Please join us for the launch of the AICCM Disaster Preparedness Calendar! Wednesday 13 October 2021 is International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Australia is experiencing an increasing number of natural disasters, some truly devastating in their impact. While there are many disasters we can’t prevent from happening, we can reduce the impact on our collections should they occur by:
• Practicing risk reduction
• Increased focus on disaster preparedness
• Reviewing policies
• Developing resilient communities

AICCM has developed a Disaster Preparedness Calendar to help cultural organisations act in a timely manner and be prepared for the hazards prominent in their region.

Date: Wednesday 13 October 2021
Time: 11am–12pm (AEDT)
Location: Online via Zoom. Register now and you will be sent a Zoom meeting link before the event.


Symposium: Disaster preparedness and our cultural heritage and collections

Event:  Wednesday 20 October 2021.  Adelaide. Onsite. State Library of South Australia. 

Join us for a half-day symposium raising awareness of the role cultural heritage collections play in building community resilience. The symposium will offer advice on frameworks and grants to help you protect your heritage collections.  The symposium will be followed by a workshop for a small number of participants. 

Held every 13 October, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of reining in the risks that they face.

For cultural heritage and collecting institutions, risk awareness, disaster preparedness and disaster reduction are areas of key concern. Australia has experienced significant natural disasters which have affected cultural heritage and collections. As we approach the 2021-2022 Australian disaster season it is timely to reflect and look at what measures can be put in place to safeguard heritage collections into the future.

Intended for those working in library, archive or museum collections, this event is designed to raise awareness of disaster preparedness and response for collections in the cultural heritage community. It will offer advice on frameworks and grants to help you protect your heritage collections and to ensure collections are cared for into the future.

This event is presented by Blue Shield Australia in partnership with cultural institutions, professional associations and supported by the State Library of South Australia.

To view the full program and how to book a ticket, please visit  https://www.slsa.sa.gov.au/events/disaster-preparedness-and-our-cultural-heritage-and-collections-0 

25 Years of Blue Shield

One of the strengths of the initiative of the Blue Shield is that although it is principally oriented toward the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict it does have an important role in mitigating and managing disasters …. I think that’s one of the aspects that makes it a truly international initiative and of universal appeal…. In moments of natural disaster the same need for cooperation exists and such cooperation results in the same benefits. – George McKenzie, Founder –  

OUR ANNIVERSARY  — What is the Blue Shield?
25 years ago, four international heritage organisations recognised the need for greater cooperation to protect cultural heritage at risk from conflict and disaster: the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Together, on 6 June in 1996, they founded the
International Committee of the Blue Shield, with a vision for national committees across the world. Today simply called the Blue Shield, it is:
“committed to the protection of the world’s cultural property, and is concerned with the protection of cultural and natural heritage, tangible and intangible, in the event of armed conflict, natural- or human-made disaster.” (Articles of Association 2.1 2016)
Often referred to as the cultural equivalent of the Red Cross, the Blue Shield is a non-governmental, non-profit, international organisation, working to protect museums, galleries, monuments, archaeological sites, archives, libraries and audio-visual material, and significant natural areas, as well as intangible heritage. It is composed of national committees operating across the world, coordinated by an International Board. Members include the founding organisations, governments, emergency services, armed forces, academics, and all those with responsibility for heritage protection in crisis.
We found our work in key international frameworks and law, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and in particular the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, which designates our namesake – the distinctive blue shield emblem signifying cultural property protected in conflict. This landmark legislation was followed in 1999 by a Second Protocol, which recognises the Blue Shield as an official advisory body to the international Committee
for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (article 27.3).
This year we are celebrating our 25th anniversary. Blue Shield has 28 national committees and more beginning to be established. However, we are an almost entirely voluntary, including the National Committee members.  Blue Shield International is a largely unfunded organisation, supported primarily by Newcastle University in the UK. Despite that, we continue to grow. We have signed key agreements with the ICRC, NATO, and others, and are advocating for heritage protection at national and international levels.  As heritage continues to be threatened by crises around the world, the Blue Shield stands ready to assist.

Blue Shield Australia, established in 2005, is proud to be a long-standing ongoing National Committee of Blue Shield.  Thank you to all the volunteers who have contributed these past 25 years.

Flooding in Eastern Australia

22 March 2021.

While the 2020/2021 disaster season again saw fires and cyclones, the current large-scale flooding affecting many more communities across eastern Australia is becoming critical.              A State of Emergency has been announced for New South Wales.  Disaster Declarations and Emergency Evacuation Orders are updated by SES NSW and Evacuation Centres have been established.  Other up-to-date information is available from Resilience NSW, including advice on donations.   Queensland Flood advice is provided by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services. If your gallery, library, archive, museum or local history site has been impacted by flooding, please contact Blue Shield Australia and your relevant BSA Member Association with your information.   Further news will be provided here in the coming days.

Flood Recovery Resources for those institutions and personal collections immediately impacted.

Disaster Planning Resources if you are not currently impacted.

Update – 4 April 2021 :   As the cleanup continues in communities across NSW there have been few impacts on GLAM sites directly.  A number of historical societies and monuments and sites were impacted and future assessments will be forthcoming.

During this Flood event in March 2021, Geoscience Australia and partner organisations put together a data hub with key location/geospatial datasets, including NSW flood footprints. The hub can be found at (https://nsw-flood-hub-emsina.hub.arcgis.com/)

International Course on Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections

ICCROM in collaboration with ICOM are offering an International Course on Rethinking Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage Collections. The course is targeted at professionals in the Asia-Pacific region, but some seats are reserved for international candidates.


  • Online Sessions delivered from ICCROM, Rome, Italy
  • In-person workshop: Escuela Taller De Filipinas Foundation Inc., Manila, Philippines

The deadline for applications has been extended to 1 November.

More information is available here.

The ICOMOS GA2020 Marker Event 7 October 2020

  The program is now available! 

Download the program outline now and start planning your schedule for Wednesday 7 October 2020 from 8.00pm AEDT (Sydney / Canberra), 11:00 am CEST (Paris), 5:00 am EDT (New York).

Are you stuck on what questions to submit to the panels? See the detailed theme descriptions for inspiration.

More on the themes

Let’s see the program


Book early for a chance to pre-submit questions for the panel discussions and to receive the latest program information.

The registration form is available in English, French and Spanish.

Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future 17 October 2020

ICORP (ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness) is hosting.

BSA members are invited to join.  This is a free event.


The speakers will outline what the various ICOMOS international scientific committees are doing and provide an introduction to the 6-ISCs toolkit for Risk Management.

Key discussion topics include:


Discussion Forum and Q&A
1. Cultural Heritage Disaster Risk Management and Resilience for Climate Change
2. Post-disaster management, re-construction, and authenticity
3. Heritage Risk Management in the Post-COVID-19 World

Disaster Preparedness and Our Cultural Heritage and Collections half day symposium

In recognition of the International Day for Disaster Reduction the State Library of South Australia will host a half day symposium on 14 October 2020.

The symposium will raise awareness of the role cultural heritage collections play in building community resilience. The symposium will offer advice on frameworks and grants to help you protect your heritage collections.

Book now.